UE4 Dialogue System Part3


Tutorial Project: Tutorial_DialogueSystem

In this part, we will create a dialogue widget which use DialogueSession asset as input to display dialogue on screen.

Step 1

Create an UMG widget: UI_Dialogue, like this:

Step 2

Create function: StartSession and Next.

StartSession’s function signature:


Next’s function signature:


Create some variables:

  • CurrentSession: DialogueSession(type)
  • CurrentDialogueNode: DialogueSessionNode(type)
  • NodeIndex: Integer(type)

bind MainText’s Text field to CurrentDialogueNode’s Paragraph property, like this:

Step 3

Implement function: StartSession

Step 4

Implement function: Next

Step 5

Create a DialogueSession asset: Dialogue_Test


Step 6

Create a UMG widget: UI_HUD, layout it like this:

create a bind for UI_Dialogue’s Visibility:

Step 7

Setup input action mapping: Next

create an UI_HUD widget, add it to viewport and setup for Next event:

Step 8

Add a test trigger into your test map

open Level Blueprint, setup BeginOverlap event like this:

Step 9

Play. move character to the position of test trigger, now you can see the dialogue widget. press N goto the next paragraph.


That’s all in this part. In the next part, we wiil support dialoguer information such as: name, portrait image.

© Copyright 2017, Jinyu Liao.